Saturday, April 29, 2006

My God takes care of me!

My God takes care of me...
This I know, because everytime I think we're struggling financially, God reminds me that He's taking care of it, and He always provides with everything that we need, and then some. I do not want to take for granted that we live so much more comfortably than I ever did growing up. We always have food on the table, and a roof over our heads. Our cupboards are not full of only bright yellow no-name boxes, and we've never had to make a trip to any food bank. We're able to provide my daughter with things I never had, and her and I are able to experience things I never thought I would.
My God takes care of me...
This I know, because everytime my back is killing me, God revitalizes me with faith, in remembering that He blesses this pregnancy, and that He is bigger than any physical problem. I do not want to take for granted that besides my hip problem, I am feeling great. I have been blessed to have a wonderful pregnancy, with a supporting husband that loves me. He's given me the ability to carry life, so I know He must be taking care of my back.
My God takes care of me...
This I know, because for the longest time I thought that my relationship with my daugher's birth father was beyond repair, and I was destined to walk a road of suffering for my sin. I now look at all God has done and stand amazed. I never want to take for granted all that is now possible in our relationship, the freedom, kindness and mercy.
I never thought there would come a day where I would pray for him, and anticipate God's move in his life. I know that God was taking care of me even then, because I see His fingerprints through it all.
My God takes of me...
This I know, because He has blessed me with a wonderful blood family that serve Him, and that are always open and willing to serve eachother. I do not want to take for granted that I can call of them at anytime, because I know there are many out there who are alone, without a caring and loving family to remind them that they are unconditionally loved and accepted. My family helps me out with everything imaginable, if I needed the shirt off their back they'd give it to me. How amazing is that?
My God takes care of me...
This I know, because everytime I stray from His path, He gently nudges me in the right direction, never holding my sin against me. Even when I've left for a long while, He always welcomes me back with open arms, ready to start right where we left off. I do not want to take for granted the salvation I've found in Him. He did not have to come and rescue me that night, He did not have to open my eyes to His truth, He did not have to die for me, but He did. Many times I forget that the road is very straight and very narrow, and not many find it.
More times than I'd like, I do take these things for granted and overlook my many blessings. But I'm so glad that God took care of me when He sent His Son to die on the cross, so that my doubt can be forgiven, and replaced with a grace to move forward in His calling for my life. I'm so glad that God does not count my doubts against me, and that He still moves in me, even when my attitude does not deserve it.
May you be reminded of your blessings today, and count them with joy.


  1. That was so touching and well written. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi Nin! That was a beautiful post!! I have dropped by your blog a few times in the past and I figured it was high time to comment ;) I'm glad your pregnancy has been going well...may God bless you with a healthy baby in 21 weeks. Yay! You are allllllmost 1/2 way - hang in there!! Take Care!!

  3. That is a beautiful post! It literally brought tears to my eyes. I needed to be reminded of this in this season of my life!

  4. i think i need to make a list like this everyday...wouldn't our days be amazing if we did that??

  5. Very nice post Nin! Nicely written.

  6. well done, our good and perfect God!!!
