Friday, July 22, 2005

Why do opposites attract? First of all I think it's because God has a great sense of humor. But more so, I think it's so we can learn what being and having another half really means. My husband and I are very different. We think differently, act differently, communicate differently, were raised differently and do things way differently. We are in many ways, an extreme case of opposite's.
I am shy, he is outgoing. I grew up without, he grew up with. I like the indoors, he loves nature. I love splerging and shopping, he hates spending money. I'm layed back in allot of ways, while he is uptight. I'm irresponsible, he's got it together. I'm not disciplined, he always reaches the goals he sets. I'm a night person, he's a morning person. I'm musically inclined, he's tone-deaf. I'm uneducated, he's smart. I'm long-winded, while he stays silent. I'm indecisive, he's quick to act. I'm a follower, he's a natural leader. I want to finish something perfectly, he just wants to get it finished period.

For the first few months of our marriage, I found it very hard to see past our many differences. I missed out on many of the blessings God had for me, because I was too selfish to serve my husband, and be greatfull for his uniqueness. As God has grown me to fall in selfless love with my husband, and my role as a wife, I've realized what it means to have another half. I am not complete without my other half. He is everything I am not! We compliment eachother in such a way that when we are together in unity nothing can stand against us! I know this now, with all my heart, that as long as we are a team and walking in unity, we are sanctified. Our marriage, our family, our daughter, our lives, are protected and sanctified, from any weapon that might be formed against us.

As many of you know, there is a One Heart Extravagant Worship night next Thursday. A call to restore the covenant between French and English Canada, the covenant between us and God, and the covenant between marriages (healing for those that are broken, and a stand for God's purposes for marriage). My heart is very excited to witness what God is going to do, and how His spirit is going to move. I believe God is going to release many things in us, individually and corperately. He's been preparing us for this night. The Bible talks about where two or more are gathered, what about a whole nation? Experiencing this kind of unity is going to be amazing! Let's stand for what God's purposes for our nation are, lay down our rights and plans, and come in complete abandonment.
The amazing things God has done in my marriage, is what I hope for my family, my brothers and sisters in Christ. That we may be able to see our differences as uniqueness. That we may be able to lay down our lives in selfless love, the love that comes only from the Father. I've tried to love you in my own strength, I have! And just like in the early months of my marriage, I found myself at war with you! Only through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ am I even able to go on. I want to give it all back to Him. My ways your ways, my thoughts your thoughts, my heart your heart, they are all very different. And thank you Lord that we are not the same! Our common ground is Christ alone! Let us stand on His promises for us, our marriages, our body and our nation.
I'm so glad that we are different, that we all have something unique to offer to one another. That you can help me through my weakenesses, and I can do the same for you. We are all significant!
He delights in us, and rejoices over us. When we come together in unity, He is blessed, He is happy, He is glorified. Be blessed my family, may the Lord keep you, and may His face shine upon you.


  1. That was the greatest post you've written! I laughed through all the differences you listed about you and chris! IT'S SO TRUE! The pics look cool too!
    I too am super excited to see God's moving next week! Keep our hearts ready, alert and postured...

    BTW, Was my face really that red! I look like a tomato!

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    This is a movie quote and I won's say the movie but it goes "You complete me" I love you Babe keep up the encouragement :)

  3. Hello Ninette

    I was just catching up on blogs and just wanted to tell you how much I miss you and I can't wait to go walking with you HEE HEE


  4. You've been tagged!!
    See my newest post!!

  5. Hey, my name is Dani and I live in Live Oak, Fl and I LOVE the Lord! I was reading your post and it was really good!! I love it when God does amazing work!! He is good!! My journal is for what I get from my devotions!! I try and post everyday but sometimes don't so check it out if ya wanna!!
