Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hello my name is Nin and I'm a horrible Blogger.

I'm processing a TON, and I promise, someday I will actually post something with meat.... or at least some sort of solid food, but until then, another pointed update.

-loves picking his nose and finding "poo poo's".
-WILL NOT leave the poor kitty alone, who's name according to him is "puppy".
-is doing surprisingly well with the tree.
-likes to climb into the bathroom sink and turn the hot water on.
-thinks it's facinating that I turn and say "yes?" when he says my name over and over and over and over....
-still loves to draw on walls, and backs of doors with black eyeliner.
-loves the snow, and going "bye bye", especially for "nums nums" at "mar-mart".

-is so beautiful.
-counting down the sleeps till her birthday (23 more sleeps till she's 8!!)
-loves Pokemon and Bakugan, both of which I know nothing about.
-loves to play school on the wipeboard.
-her teacher had only perfect things to share with us at our parent-teacher interview (which didn't surprise us) ; )
-gets to set up my grandpa's little Christmas tree in her room! and is super pumped!

-love lifting eachother up, love that we fit so well together, love that we're a team through it all.
-love seeing how I'm becoming more like him, and he's becoming more like me.
-am getting annoyed with the cat already..... and hubby won't let me complain.
-as far as we can tell, hubby's allergies have been healed!
-am I the only one? or does it not feel like Christmas?

Daughter's tradition.....

Our Christmas idol, as well as my excuse to be as anal as I truly am.

One of my good friends from highschool came over with her boyfriend for supper/games Friday night. It was a blast, we shared many laughs, especially when the yearbook came out. I needed that...... Thanks Liz : )


  1. I'm not feelin the christmas spirit either at the moment. I pulled out the christmas movies for the kids to watch...I think I need to put some holiday tunes on as well. I'm dreading putting up the tree...only because I hate taking it down...and both the putting up and taking down seem to be an all day process!

    I hope you start feeling it I hope to as well!
    Take care!

  2. Nin you are looking fantastic!
    Still processing? I feel like I am always processing. I need to call one of these days. I often think about it but don't. You can always call and I can call back too when it works.
    Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas in BC with no snow and non of my decorations out here.

  3. Love you lots and lots!
    I love your point form updates.

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I love your tree. I actually got a sneak peak of it as we drove away from your sister's house. It showered the Christmas spirit onto the street!

    I haven't set mine up...I'm not sure how excited I am to mix a sparkly, enticing, texturally pleasing ornament into a living room where a 13 1/2 month old is learning to walk...eek!

  5. Her boyfriend is the cat??? :) I had a good laugh over Daniel so thank you I needed that. Christmas could come and go and I wouldn't notice. Ithink it has to do with figuring out what really matters and finding that things(material possessions of the unecessary nature) suck:) I am not a scrooge, but I am not feeling the love for Christmas.

  6. haha, Oh Sherryness....
    No the cat isn't the boyfriend, although, I'm pretty sure she wanted to leave with the kitty that night. ; )
    I know what you mean about Christmas.... I'm there every year..... I hate all the materialness of it all..... and I too could go on without it just fine.
    I MUST put up my tree though.... I love my tree.
    And Rachel... that was me last year (Daniel was 15 months), and we're all still alive, tree included. hehe. It kind of reminds me of the tree smack dab in the MIDDLE of the garden of Eden, the one God asked Adam and Eve NOT to touch. He didn't hide it, he wanted them to learn to obey Him. It's training ground for obedience! Have fun! haha!
