Monday, March 30, 2009


I wonder......

-when my neighbor will take the Christmas wreath off her stinkin door already!

-when will they stop calling it The "NEW" Wired 96.3.

-why am I so judgemental.

-if I should get gel nails again.

-if I'll be able to make it through the summer WITHOUT bleaching my hair.

-what would I do without my husband.


  1. 1. Hah that's hilarious. There's still X-mas lights in my apartment. (in my defence i did not put them up)

    You looked terrific as a blonde. Don't be afraid to break out the peroxide.

  2. Thats ok Kamelle, I still accept you. haha. Everyday though I look across the street and wonder if it's dawned on them that its APRIL!
    I love being blonde! Its so summery and fun! But my hair is fried and I really think I should give it a break if I plan on growing it out. But thanks for the compliment!
    By the way, you blessed me when you danced up at the front at church. I wanted to tell you that. Keep that up girly!

  3. yes, me too kamelle! It was a blessing! I used to keep my xmas lights up forever too. And hey, i just took my wreath off my door a couple weeks ago. And....I had a mosquito that I killed on my van window (on the inside) and the dead carcas stayed there all winter and into the spring. over 8 months! I was doing a science experiment to see how long it would take for its body to biodegrade!

    nin, those are cool wonderings. I love em! I wonder what I'm wondering about???
    the new wired...that is funny. we've only that station for like...what a year or longer?

  4. I wonder what I would do without my husband too. What gifts they are.

  5. yah, i'm the same with bleaching my hair. i'm gonna probably yield to that again....

    i also HATE that they always say the NEW wired 96.3 BOOO
