Sunday, March 09, 2008

say cheeeeeese!!!!

So, I'm downstairs, on very limited time since I know little one must be wrecking something, throwing something, breaking something, messing something, hiding something, or eating something. A few minutes pass, and there's quiet........too much quiet. I peek my head around the corner, and there's my son, sitting at the top of the basement stairs, dangling his little feet, as he chomps on the big block of marble cheese. He smelled like cheese for the rest of the day.


  1. That is hilarious!!!

  2. so cute.

    way too cute.

    did you let him have his way with the brick of cheese?


  3. priceless. I love how the block of cheese is all slimy and his mouth too. I can just picture the way he smelled all day! what a memory. and with little guys like this....THERE ARE MANY

  4. Too funny. Nin, I would like your email address. Your sister has mine. Would you mind emailing me yours?

  5. Isaiah has that same sleeper.

  6. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Very cute! Little boys have a way of making our lives very interesting!
    I hope you are having a great week!

  7. Anonymous11:28 AM


  8. eeewww

    sorry!! but yuck. i'm not really a cheese fan... did you throw it out after???? (i have a cheese fetish, you have a foot fetish...)

  9. Elizabeth does that, too!! What colors are going in the kitchen?

  10. Oh Camille, you and your interesting quirks, deli meat and now cheese.... Isn't a fetish something you love? haha, I have a foot PHOBIA, definately not fetish!
    I'm cheap, and I cut slices off all the sides and stuck it back in the fridge. I've eaten worse.

  11. Oh gosh, I laughed for a good solid 5 minutes before I could even contain myself enough to write this..what a curious little man you have...I'm glad to know I'm not the only one =)

  12. pale yellow is good!! that's the color of our hallway. It's actually called "Kelly Yellow" cause we created it and you can buy it at ICI paints - it's the color of butter and we use it whenever we can!! The Olive Brown went on today, I had a small moment when I first put it in the tray cause it looked way too much like something that I've seen in a diaper...but I got over it and it looks great on my wall! Just trim, shelves and a couple cabinets to paint and then we get to do fun painting..woo hoo. man my house is a disaster, but it looks good

  13. hahah thats is just funny!!

  14. Looooove puns, your so clever... think that little guy is too.

  15. Today we ate some marble cheese with our lunch and thought of you and Daniel!

  16. Oh that is so hilarious!! I'll never look at marble cheese ever the same again! :)

  17. Haha...gotta love them boys!!

  18. you gonna post anytime soon?????
