Monday, July 23, 2007


-Just got home last night from a weekend family reunion in Kenosee, was super fun

-Walls were broken down in my marriage, praise God!

-More walls were broken between my son and father-in-law, and dad was finally able to hold him with no crying, go Daniel!

-Built many new relationships with my husband's family, and was able to see the fingerprints of God as we saw the generations multiplied

-Shared a room with my brother-in-law, his girlfriend and their new baby, had an awesome time, and even got to feed the baby in the middle of the night! (so crazy how you begin to miss that when your babies stop!)

-Stayed on track, sort of, with our new eating and exercise regime, unfortunately there was no gym at the hotel, so we missed one workout

-As nice as it was to come home, it's a sauna in here and we will soon be retreating to my moms, so I'll share my pics later


  1. you can always retreat here too! we just got home at 10 pm and the weather network said that it feels like 39!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    saskpower said that it has never put out as much power as they did today in all history!!

    praise god for all those walls breaking down!

  2. I'm inspired by your effort to keep fit and in shape. I realized the other day that I am not diciplined with my life and I need to be.
    Yeah for walls being broken down.
