Thursday, September 29, 2005

I am alive and I am very well.......
Our computer has been down for the last week and a half, and it has been a big blessing in disguise for me. I've been spending some good times with God, and He has been revealing more of who He is to me. I serve an amazing God! He has been pruning, doing some major character tweeks, but most of all, blessing me more than I ever thought imaginable. The spirit of God is alive people!! I believe that I am on the verge of a major breakthrough, in my spiritual journey with the Lord. He has been taking me places, places unknown, where I have been expected to take what He has been teaching me, and put it into action. Many times, I have fallen short, but I am called to be an overcomer! A warrior, not just a lazy christian who barely makes it through the day, let alone bringing the gospel to the nations. The Lord has been showing me that it takes more than once in a while, that it takes more than only going to Him at times of crisis and desperation. It takes more than words, empty promises, and good intentions. The word says in Ecclesiastes 5:4 that God has no interest in fools who do not fulfill their vows.
God has been preparing my heart for what I believe is now. I believe now is the time, for many, to walk out in faith, and in freedom and confidence anticipate a huge outpour of the holy spirit! He is alive! Hallelulia Praise You Jesus! He is so good.......
It was such a nice treat to catch up on all of your blogs, and it's also been nice to put the computer aside and build into those special relationships that God has put in place. It is so pleasing to the Lord when we get together and lift one another up in encouragment and prayer. So may the relationships God has placed in your life to be fed in this season, be blessed, and fruitful. And may the relationships that are called to a time of rest, or "letting go" as princess warrior put it, also be blessed and released in the name of the Lord. May He reign over it all! Love you guys,

1 comment:

  1. how exciting!
    God is good
    He is worthy and most of all
    Better get ready.....
