What is the time-waster de jour?
It's the time-waster of the day.
mmmmm...... I'll have that......
I HATE labels, I hate that people have labeled me, I hate even more that I've labeled others.
I LOVE summer, and everything about it, sun, brown skin, pools, green, flowers, activity.
I HATE doing laundry, and always have. I can never seem to stay on top of it.
I LOVE shopping, for anything. I think what I really love, is spending money.
I HATE that I'm always late, and that I expect people to tack on an extra 20 minutes to the time I tell them I'll be there.
I LOVE my son's vocabulary, I love that he says 99% of his words 'incorrectly', and I refuse to let anyone correct him, because soon enough this phase will be gone.
I HATE how much I LOVE Facebook.
I LOVE red wine, and would drink it like water if I thought others would approve.
I HATE expectations, I hate that I have too many on myself, I hate that I have too many on others.
I LOVE writting out my thoughts, and pouring my heart into words.
I HATE that song "I know you want me" by Pitbull. I hate even more that it has such a good beat that I forget which song it is and crank up the volume, only to be reminded that I hate it.
I LOVE having a clean house, and take pride in knowing how far I've come in regards to being a home-maker.
I HATE my skin condition, I hate even more that it doesn't even have a name.
I LOVE being smoke-free! I love knowing that I'm not controlled by a substance.
I HATE that I too quickly forget that I am controlled by many things, just like every other imperfect being, just not smoking.
I LOVE that I'm not perfect.
I HATE that I'm not perfect.
I LOVE having a second vehicle, and can't believe I survived so long without one.
I HATE it when I can't find answers, when I don't have a formula, when things don't fit in the box, and when I don't have a step by step plan.
I LOVE my close friends, I love that they know me and still want to be around me. I love that even in times where it feels like I have no substance, they will still hang out with me in the meaningless fluff.
I HATE that I waste time on the computer doing nothing, like this stupid list.